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 The AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam is the first step in a career in cloud computing. However, before you get started, you...

Thursday, December 31, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 19

Question No 19:

Are you able to integrate a multi-factor token service with the AWS Platform?

Yes, using the AWS multi-factor token devices to authenticate users on the AWS platform.
No, you cannot integrate multi-factor token devices with the AWS platform.
Yes, you can integrate private multi-factor token devices to authenticate users to the AWS platform.

Answer: A

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A 'street battle' is brewing between Amazon and Microsoft

Amazon Web Services is the leader in cloud computing, but Wall Street believes is about to face much stronger competition from the platform cloud of Microsoft, Azure, next year.
In a note published Tuesday, the market research firm FBR Capital Markets predicted Azure path to reach an annual run rate over $ 8,000 million in 2016. That's about the same rate as this year AWS Run.

"We continue to believe 2016 will be a" code of the street fighting 206 in the area of ​​the cloud with Microsoft strongly better placed than the seller to compete with AWS cloud for business forward to the next few years, "FBR wrote in the note.

The report said that the decision by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella put much more emphasis on the cloud begins to bear fruit, and Microsoft already large footprint in the business gives you a big advantage over competitors who try to AWS.

"We believe Microsoft Azure and have a long history of cross its massive base of corporate customers with a broad platform for cloud offerings sales in the coming years," he said. "We believe that better days are coming cloud given our positive controls in the countryside around the strong absorption of key cloud products (such as Office 365, Blue) position in 2016."

Microsoft's decision to expand sales to existing customers is a common tactic in the company, but certainly something is in a better position to do so, as it has a long history of dealing with large companies and already share huge market built from the pre-cloud era.

Indeed, Deutsche Bank said in a report last month that the call of the land and expand the strategy was the focal point of Microsoft Azure in sales so far.

"According to Microsoft, the" land "immediate objective is to promote the Riviera penetration, so that each client uses Microsoft in the Riviera things," he wrote. "Microsoft is in a much earlier stage to reach the" Expand "part of the sales strategy, but has had some success, claiming that some customers are now well into the" millions of dollars "level of spending years Azure ".

But Deutsche Bank also noted that Azure is perceived as a "Microsoft-centric" solution, which is "less open" as AWS. Some people cited Azure he described as a "boutique" Microsoft, calling AWS more "generic platform."

Regardless, the Deutsche Bank accepts that next year will be the year Azure really accelerates your game and became a formidable market leader AWS rival.

"While the consensus is that our controls AWS is able to maintain its overwhelming advantage, we are optimistic about Microsoft rotating cloud, blue Azure adoption and the capacity for much of Microsoft's customer base," he wrote. "We see no reason why this will not continue in 2016."

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 18

Question No 18:

What does Amazon Elastic Beanstalk provide?

An application container on top of Amazon Web Services.
A scalable storage appliance on top of Amazon Web Services.
A scalable cluster of EC2 instances.
A service by this name doesn't exist.

Answer: A

Sunday, December 20, 2015


IoT AWS announced as a beta service a few months ago, it is now generally available (GA).

AWS IoT is the focus of the company on growth Amazonian Internet of things, based on multiple AWS services to collect, store and analyze data from many devices, and control: Lambda AWS, API gateway, Kinesis, S3, Redshift, Machine Learning and DynamoDB. Amazon said they have learned by the IO through its "Amazon experience with robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles (Air quality Amazon) Amazon Eco, the Dash button, and several generations of Kindle." InfoQ covered AWS IoT great detail when it was released as a beta version, so let's add that is new.

Amazon offers a number of IoT Starter Kits including microcontroller development boards, sensors, actuators and the AWS SDK IO devices, the software is open source. The material is provided by Avnet, BEAGLEBONE, DragonBoard, Intel (Edison), Marvell, MediaTek, Microchip, Renesas, Seeeduino (Yun an Arduino board) and IT (Launchpad).

Amazon has improved the AWS SDK to create iOS applications IO, and are working to add support for Android apps. They also added support for IPv6 communication between devices and the IO Gateway device. To control devices, AWS uses HTTPS, while for collecting data from them and MQTT support X.509 authentication HTTPS.

As for prices, AWS offers a free level of 250K messages / month for the first 12 months. The subscription fee is $ 5 ($ 8 in the Asia-Pacific) for messages sent to the bridge or devices 1M. A message is a block of 512 bytes. The service is currently available in the US East, western United States, the European Union (Ireland) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and can be accessed from anywhere in the world until the customer has no legal restriction.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 17

Question No 17:

Does AWS allow for the use of Multi Factor Authentication tokens?

Yes, with both hardware or virtual MFA devices.
Yes, but it offers only virtual MFA devices.
Yes, but it offers only physical (hardware) MFA devices.

Answer: A

Thursday, December 10, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 16

Question No 16:

Please select the most correct answer regarding the persistence of the Amazon Instance Store?

A. The data on an instance store volume persists only during the life of the associated Amazon EC2 instance
B. The data on an instance store volume is lost when the security group rule of the associated instance is changed.
C. The data on an instance store volume persists even after associated Amazon EC2 instance is deleted

Answer: A

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How to pass AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam

Passing an AWS solution architect associate exam is not so difficult because there is no need to memorize the entire API’s or configuration details, there is a requirement of getting knowledge of some basic and important topics. Implementing and deploying applications on AWS is the best way of preparing for the exam, but if the person has never done it practically then  given below are the topics which one should get knowledge about prior to taking the AWS associate exam.


It is a software defined network and one should know about it, an individual should be familiar with the differences between public and private subnets. 2 other main topics that need to be considered important to get knowledge about are:
  • Security groups
  • Network ACLs

The AWS solution architect exam may contain multiple questions about the concepts of VPC.


It is necessary to know in which cases a person can rely on different instance IPs or DNS names. Other than that it is also important to know when volume data is preserved or lost. Going through autoscalling guide is a must prior to taking the exam, a few important things that one should know about and understand well includes
  • Autoscalling groups
  • Triggers
  • Instance termination policies
  • Cooldowns

Cloud architecture

The AWS solution architect associate  exam may include how to build batch processing service or e-commerce website so a person should have knowledge about it. It is necessary to know that which service permits to:
  • Decouple components
  • Build scalable share-nothing architecture
  • Protect data
Information related to the disaster recover scenarios is also beneficial when taking AWS exam because there are questions in the exam that are linked to it and linked to building high available systems.
Other than the above mentioned topics, there are a few more topics that if a person gets knowledge about them will surely prove beneficial and that includes:
  • AWS solution architect exam candidate should pay focus on getting information about IAM Users, Groups, Roles and Policies.
  • He/she should know about different options of storage.
  • A candidate should not leave getting the information of RDS and DynamoDB which are also in the list of important topics.
  • He/she should get knowledge about Automating cloud architecture with CloudFormation.
  • It is necessary to know about whitepapers.
  • One should be well aware of the difference between application services (PaaS)
  •  He/she should know about Ingress and egress of data to and from AWS.
The time that is given for the AWS solution architect associate exam is 80 minutes, which is enough for completing it and it is available in many different languages, so individuals who know other languages than English can take it. A person can practice before taking the exam for which the registration fees is low but the practice assists a lot in passing the exam and the AWS exam enhances the knowledge. The individuals who can take the AWS exam should have detailed knowledge of minimum 1 high-level programming language and he/she should be able to identify the need for an AWS-based application.

Exams4sure.com is providing real exam questions with their answers. If you want to pass exam in few hours then it’s the best way to prepare from their material. They have AWS solution architect associate Q&A in PDF format as well as in test engine. So you can take exam at home in same simulator and in same way as you will get in exam. So its like doing practice of real exam at home before going to test center. Get from exams4sure website and pass exam easily.

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Questions

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Is Google now causing public cloud pain for AWS, Microsoft and IBM?

“AWS, Microsoft, IBM and the other cloud vendors should be concerned with this new entrant into the market.”

The newcomer in the market is actually Google, as technology giants in the cloud back to the table with an offer reoriented.

Costs to realign its approach with the recent hiring of founder Diane Greene VMware to run your company new image cloud - cloud Google unifying divisions for work, the cloud platform and Google Apps - the company has been touted as a serious rival market .

"Clearly, Google is trying to take advantage of the paradigm shift in computing," said Robert Stroud, Infrastructure and operations analyst at Forrester Research.

"Google already has a presence in the coverage including Google Cloud Platform.

"The goal of the company is channeling cloud resources to create serious momentum in the market. Now, the path to success will not happen overnight.

"That said, with resources including people and cash, demand offerings stack and market knowledge, it has the elements to differentiate and compete in this rapidly growing market."

Conclusions of analysts in 2015 that the four main suppliers - AWS, Microsoft, IBM and Google - have 54 percent market share, controlling more than half of the industry cloud infrastructure services in the whole world.

Since 54 percent of the market they have, Synergy Research reports that Amazon is 29 percent; Microsoft, 12 percent; IBM, 7 percent; and Google, the 6 percent.

So in essence, Microsoft, IBM and Google combine to 25 percent of the market, compared to 29 percent of Amazon.

But the future, estimates of analysts Stroud found serious cause AWS cloud Google, Microsoft and IBM severe pain points in 2016 and beyond.

"Beware of AWS," says Stroud, "the real winner here is the consumer of cloud services

"With the entry of Google reoriented, not only will be a strong pressure on prices, accelerating innovation will accelerate, so the public cloud even most of their options load calculation work."

That said, rightly points out that AWS Stroud, Microsoft and IBM have the advantage of being established.

"Moreover, without investing in innovation and go beyond infrastructure as a service game very commodities, it could also be a spiral of reduction could be a feature of the cloud in 2016," She added in .

Thursday, December 3, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 15

Question No 15:

Which AWS instance address has the following characteristics? :"If you stop an instance, its Elastic IP address is unmapped, and you must remap it when you restart the instance."

Both A and B
None of these
VPC Addresses
EC2 Addresses

Answer: D

Monday, November 30, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 14

Question No 14:

Select the correct statement:

You don't need not specify the resource identifier while stopping a resource
You can terminate, stop, or delete a resource based solely on its tags
You can't terminate, stop, or delete a resource based solely on its tags
You don't need to specify the resource identifier while terminating a resource

Answer: C

Sunday, November 29, 2015

AWS launches EC2 Dedicated Hosts

New cloud server control functionality mimics the sub-recumbent Physical

AWS Availability of a set of their new EC2 has dedicated Guest converter will allow organizations to run cloud servers that are fully compatible with software licenses purchased.

It is designed for companies that have acquired either licenses for software that allows for an application on a server with certain Tomas UN Number or physical cores or may be required to run specific server for a certain period of time. This AWS Licenses Pour this a Windows Server, Windows, SQL Server, Oracle Database, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server These often include requirements.

The service provides visibility into the number of hearts and plugs are available for Physical If users can obtain and use party software licenses that are good for the actual supplies, according to Jeff Barr, director of AWS evangelist.

He said in a blog billet That would help in Reunion respect and regulatory requirements.

"You can assign dedicated hosts and use applications to run on hardware that is fully dedicated to your drive utilization," he said.

Organizations can also use AWS converter Config trace the history of instances that starts and stops at each of their reserved guests. These data can be used to verify converter utilization measures against the granting of licenses. Companies can also have "a grain fin" monitor the implementation of EC2 Instances in every dedicated server.

Instances launched in the hosts should always dedicated RESIDER In VPC, but can not make use groups sites. Auto Scaling is not supported, and neither is RDS.

Barr said what were now available a dedicated hosts and can be launched from the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS Pour Tools Windows PowerShell or through the code that calls made to AWS SDK.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The new AWS region is set to further cloud adoption in the UK

With the steady increase in the adoption AWS UK, it should be no surprise that AWS will be adding a new region of the United Kingdom in late 2016.

Last week, Amazon CTO Werner Vogels announced the new AWS region between the other five regions of the United Kingdom, which will open in 2016: India, Ohio, South Korea, the United Kingdom and a second region in China.

The new regions are welcome to British companies are interested in adding cloud migration, but are struggling with issues of sovereignty data, increased regulatory restrictions and increased importance of security threats. Companies must balance the risk of migration of clouds against local regulations associated with the rising costs of suppliers and / or inner housing.

With the new region of the United Kingdom further barrier to cloud adoption it is eliminated, allowing companies to take advantage of significant savings and better performance of AWS while reducing the regulatory risk of data stored outside the United United.

New AWS region is even more important in light of the input / output imminent EU referendum in 2017. If the UK opt out of the EU, the data is loaded to remain in the UK. This uncertainty has caused many companies AWS to delay adoption plans for fear that the referendum would force them to go through the time and expense of two draft migration: AWS and outside the platform shortly thereafter. The new zone allows businesses to securely hold AWS Regardless of the outcome of the referendum.

The remaining barriers to cloud adoption are usually a variety of security issues, and security will undoubtedly continue to drive the cloud almost every conversation. However, with the failure of local providers of accommodation to offer transparency in security practices, the recent violations of these providers, and increased cloud education, have those conversations were of "is the public cloud safe?" To "How can we have data protection offers public cloud?"

Consequently, a larger volume of British companies will be willing to trust critical workloads in the cloud. AWS provides native features to protect your security infrastructure common As DDoS attacks, SQL injections, cross-site scripting, etc., while maintaining the sovereignty of the data.

AWS is working feverishly to remove obstacles to the adoption of large-scale cloud and with the new region of the United Kingdom, businesses are prepared to harness the performance, computing power, and the degree of AWS platform. It's an exciting time to be in the UK and see the transformation taking place now.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 13

Question No 13:

instance is launched, can I change the VPC security groups it belongs to?

AWS Account

Answer: A

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Smart421 beefs up AWS support offering

Smart421 beefs up AWS support offering:


Amazon Web Services (AWS) to couple said Smart 421 is able to provide 'unknown' customer support levels after splashing out on level of business support AWS Premium.

In the past, Smart421 offered what is known as the business support, but after investing "significantly" now can offer its customers the improved version.

The Luxury provide help both first contact Smart421 clients also support the rapid response of 15 minutes. Plumping for this offer customers can receive support throughout the day.

Joseph head of marketing told RCN Launches dealer knows of no other company in the UK offering this level of support and said the amount spent on support was not small.

"This kind of thing is unheard of," he said. "The price of access is important, and this was an important investment for us. We pass on this benefit to our customers. We want to put our customers there first."

He said providing the highest level of support set out Smart421 rivals.
"It helps us take action against the competitive threat that we see in the channel," he said.

"Are we afraid of [competitors]? No. Do not care what they do? They look at what they do, but we are not bothered by what they do. And that they do not care about it is that we move forward with our partnership strategy - is expected, supported and is growing. "

Thursday, November 12, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 12

Question No 12:

After an Amazon VPC instance is launched, can I change the VPC security groups it belongs to?

Only if the tag "VPC_Change_Group" is true
Yes. You can.
No. You cannot.
Only if the tag "VPC Change Group" is true

Answer: B

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question:

Sunday, November 8, 2015

AWS announces UK region offering local cloud storage in wake of Safe Harbour ruling

Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a new region of the United Kingdom for their cloud services. It is expected that the operation in the UK will be completed in late 2016, and the facility will strengthen the existing regional AWS deals in Dublin and Frankfurt.

The news has a double impact for customers in the UK. Operationally, lower latency is created, the greater the flow of offers for customers significantly affect organizations such as Channel 4 using AWS as the backbone of his All 4 service.

The second aspect is the ongoing controversy surrounding the decision safe harbor. British companies will now be able to store data in the UK, avoiding any nasty law governing access to files that exist in other countries.

Of course, the news comes in the same week that the Charter called snoops was revealed, which includes a number of provisions that will make the UK less attractive based storage.

Government CTO Liam Maxwell was glowing in his praise of the decision of the Amazon and spoke of the need for data storage on land.

"It's great to see that AWS provides cloud services for business data centers in the UK. This means not only a significant investment in the UK economy, but the most healthy competition and innovation in the data center market in the United Kingdom.

"This is good news for the government of the UK due to the large amount of data we have that should be kept on the ground," he said.

The announcement of a region of the UK comes just one day after Amazon unveiled a series of new data centers in South Korea. Jeff Barr, one of the leading evangelists AWS cloud, said in a blog: "We have always believed that it should be able to exercise full control over which data is stored and where it is processed."

That's very noble, but Amazon had probably not opt ​​for Theresa May.

We reported last month at an Australian university who had taken the decision to move to Google Apps to Microsoft Office 365 explicitly that your data is stored in Europe rather than the United States. It is an illustration of what is involved in planning a cloud infrastructure

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 11

Question No 11:

Every user you create in the IAM system starts with ______.

Full permissions
No permissions
Partial permissions

Answer: B

Thursday, November 5, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 10

Question No 10:

If you are using Amazon RDS Provisioned IOPS storage with MySQL and Oracle database engines, you can scale the throughput of your database Instance by specifying the IOPS rate from _____ .

1,000 to 1,00,000
100 to 1,000
10,000 to 1,00,000
1,000 to 10,000

Answer: D

Sunday, November 1, 2015

AWS Re:Invent 2015: 11 Storage Products For AWS Clouds

Cloud Storage full size:

Cloud Storage full size Storage is a key component of public and private clouds, and that makes the central storage for AWS recently concluded re: Invent conference in Las Vegas. The show attracted 19,000 members of the community and Amazon introduced a barrage of upcoming features in the pipeline large cloud world. Intrigued by the possibilities? Turn the page to visit AWS re: Invent and some storage technologies

Thursday, October 29, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 9

Question No 9:

If an Amazon EBS volume is the root device of an instance, can I detach it without stopping the instance?

Yes but only if Windows instance
Yes but only if a Linux instance

Answer: B

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 8

Question No 8:

What is Amazon Glacier?

It's a security tool that allows to "freeze" an EC2 instance and perform computer forensics on it.
A security tool that allows to "freeze" an EBS volume and perform computer forensics on it.
A low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup.
You mean Amazon "Iceberg": it's a low-cost storage service.

Answer: C

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Amazon: Notes From The AWS Conference


  • Amazon AWS Conference underlines my point of view optimistic about stocks and short-term competitiveness of AWS.
  • SaaS and offer IoT the next stage of growth potential and margin expansion.
  • A long-term threat to the shares of Alibaba, which focuses on the North American market.
Upon returning from the Amazon Conference (NASDAQ AMZN) AWS, the author had the opportunity to refresh the lights and the potential implications. In summary, I remain positive on AWS an opportunity for AMZN, its position in the market in the short term and solid customer base. The growth of Internet Business Intelligence objects and should support the medium-term outlook and the fact that the company has not announced a price reduction at the conference suggests that the cloud remains price stability, which is positive for all market players, such as Google (NASDAQ: GOOG), Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and even the new competitor to Alibaba (NYSE: BABA). AMZN remains one of the best ideas from the Internet. Not only beautifully core growing business of electronic commerce, the first of ecosystems company promises to be a game changer in the e-commerce space, similar to the way BABA is to create an ecosystem it consists of services financial, payment, media and value added services. I would be a buyer of the action at this level.

Compared with its competitors, AWS AMZN seems to be more dominant than ever. Historically, customers and partners of the event speak of competitiveness and GOOG MSFT, but it was interesting this year AWS believes that consensus is far ahead of its competitors, and is truly in a class hand. More importantly, AWS has a loyal customer base that has been in the platform since its early days. I note that many new companies have worked on the AWS platform and stood on the platform as they grew. In recent years, the largest as Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) company, General Electric (NYSE: GE) and BMW (OTCPK: BAMXY) began to choose their supplier AWS platform, and it appears that these companies They go beyond the experimental stage and the stage of mass adoption, which validates the capacity and reliability of AMZN. That said, a significant migration from the largest company in the AWS is a likely scenario, and the company can definitely benefit from this trend.

The Internet of Things will appeal to the outlook for growth that allows companies to connect with AWS services AMZN as Lambda, Kinesis, S3, machine learning, etc., and analyze data without having to manage any infrastructure . This will surely attract companies like flies IoT trend, in my opinion. Moreover, a product of Business Intelligence as QuickSite is an indication that AMZN continues to move in the SaaS business model that commands a higher margin. However, the company is definitely on the right track for growth.

The perception is that a short-term threat to the AWS is unlikely, but warn that competitive pressure could escalate in the long run, both players funded as Baba engaged increasingly in the US market (see: Alibaba : expansion of cloud services in the United States). Baba has recently launched its second data center, and my opinion is that the company will continue to build the infrastructure to support its growing e-commerce. One way to attract customers is the price and services, and Baba could potentially be a natural choice for companies looking to expand into China. The long-term implication of this could be that Baba is becoming a serious threat for AMZN, since both operate in the area of ​​electronic commerce.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 7

Question No 7:

Please select the Amazon EC2 resource which can be tagged?

Key pairs
Elastic IP addresses
Placement groups
Amazon EBS snapshots

Answer: D

Sunday, October 11, 2015

AWS re:Invent 2015: Throwing a Snowball at the hardware market

Hardware vendors are constantly moving in and software offerings in the cloud, but it is not often that a cloud provider to launch a material supply and that is exactly what AWS has snowballed.

Indeed, the offer data transfer is part of the equipment and room services. AWS snowball is a transport device petabyte scale data transfer 50 TB per unit data into and out of AWS. Proof devices Secure and free manipulations are delivered to the customer, full of data, and then sent back to AWS and put in the cloud.

AWS Storage Services Vice President, Bill Vass, described the deal as an important tool for migrating customer data.

"As customers realize that your data contains key information that can lead to a competitive advantage, try to get as much data as quickly as possible AWS" he said.

The cloud provider, said one of the major pain points for clients was the time it takes to load large amounts of data.

While many in the AWS community partners are excited about the snowball, Australian partners still have the challenge of facing delays in services be available locally.

Australia Marketing Organization, Global Network, all the infrastructure is rebuilt in the AWS platform and is one of the providers of public cloud called his all-in technology partners.

Director of Global Information Network, Kartik Rao, said one of the challenges of being an Australian company using AWS is the deadline for delivery of services.

"Often there are delays in some services that come to our region," he said.

"For example, last year I'm here [AWS re: Invent]... Last year, it was announced Lambda was very exciting, we saw hundreds of applications for it Unfortunately, Lambda still unavailable in Sydney Availability of services essential is a challenge.

Bullets news director, John Ferlito, echoed the sentiments of Rao and added delays are just part of being on the other side of the world.

The cloud provider of Australia was one of the founding partners, when AWS local store opened in 2012. Bulletproof was the first member of the Asia-Pacific region, announced the re: Invent 2013. Ferlito he said RNA ago few weeks, the Company was also named AWS Partner managed service provider (MSP) partner.

"Sometimes, some of the new services will be available in AWS announced the US East or West of the United States, so it may take some time to get to Sydney," Ferlito said. "There is also a question that Sydney is less than three availability zones so that some of the products and services are difficult to handle.

"It's not so bad, however, you can implement other solutions. It is sometimes frustrating because you know there is an offer and has Australian customers who want to use and you can not help, wait until you get here, but AWS is working on this and the gap is narrowing.

"The other important thing is to keep track of all the changes and all new offers, is almost a full-time now."

The launch of the snowball is one of the big announcements for Ferlito, who says he will solve many of the pain points for customers and more business in the future.

"Move data backup around a big problem. If you think of a law firm that mass must keep records for seven years or organizations that must contain a lot of video, such as airports, which could be petabytes of data.You can not be sent through the network. It simply takes too long. So this is the snowball pretty interesting

"Actually, it's really the key, we have the rare customer who has bucket loads of data that needs to move, but the huge pain point for many companies.

"Sometimes the strange story of a hybrid operation of the company in which the workload is running locally and decided to break in the cloud when lack of local resources, and then pull it back he heard. It is good if you do not have a lot of data to move, but if you have a couple of terabytes of data, it takes just not move.

"Customers workloads with backup who want to leave the band and local storage and [AWS] S3, having Snowball units delivered and be able to put it in a box and send it back and has automatically in online is great.

"They ship One in Australia, but the problem for us is the issue would be expensive as it is imported from the United States or the American West. You can make a reproduction of S3 to copy again if you were in Sydney, although there are options there. I would be very surprised if the service has not been transferred to Australia too. I'm sure it's just a matter of creating a young boy in a place where they put in, connecting and magic happens. "

Thursday, October 8, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 6

Question No 6:

The one-time payment for Reserved Instances is _____ refundable if the reservation is cancelled.

A. Always
B. In some circumstances
C. Never

Answer: C

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Amazon could cut prices and launch a super-fast

Amazon could cut prices and launch a super-fast database to take on Oracle and SAP next week:

Amazon AWS hold its annual re: Invent technology conference next week in Las Vegas, where he talks to customers about its popular Web Services cloud computing service Amazon.

There is a rumor that the new product could be announced: a new ultra fast data base "in memory".

At least that Merrill Lynch thinks Justin Post

"Amazon can will announce new products database, such as database memory or services databases higher as Aurora (MySQL) performance," he wrote in a research note earlier this week Post written to,

An in-memory database is running in the memory of a computer, instead of storing the computer, and can handle quantities of data "impious" almost instantaneous speeds, such as Oracle, Larry Ellison described President Once Oracle version of this product. The memory option is one of the central means Oracle is convincing is huge customer base to spend your last database, Oracle 12c.

SAP is also a major player here. Try taking his large stable enterprise software customers outside the Oracle database and its own alternative in memory, Hana. Bet all your company in the database of Hana, the president admitted earlier this year.

Amazon already offers a variety of ways to make databases in the cloud memory (including SAP Hana), and a variety of their own data bases orchard.

However, Amazon says its work on multiple databases, saying in a job for a database developer (emphasis added), "These are exciting times in our space - are growing fast, but still at an early stage and to work on new ambitious initiatives, where an engineer at any level can have a significant technical and commercial impact. "

If Amazon is introducing a new database data in memory, it will not make happy Oracle or SAP.

The databases are bits of software in the commercial operations of a dependent. Companies do not do very often or very easily. But providers of databases are known for some pretty draconian methods to extort their customers for money. As companies rush to cloud computing, many do not care to find less expensive alternatives based data.

And Amazon is the cheapest, the king of cost cutting cloud world.

Amazon is still cutting prices. In July, prices fell AWS 49 times and he just announced another drop in prices of its storage service in September.

And Amazon for a new round of cost reductions should be. It is said to be released to his program next week.

He was given the reduced costs of the war a name in the industry: The Race to Zero. This means that over time some cloud providers, especially cloud storage will reduce the low price, they will give them for free. (In fact, earlier this year, Google went ahead and did it with their application photos. He threw the unlimited, free.)

So as it grows in the Amazon database services, reduce costs along the way, companies may be willing to give a new test database.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 5

Question No 5:

What is a Security Group?

None of these.
A list of users that can access Amazon EC2 instances.
An Access Control List (ACL) for AWS resources.
A firewall for inbound traffic, built-in around every Amazon EC2 instance.

Answer: D

Monday, September 28, 2015

Re:Thinking the AWS enterprise push on the eve of re:Invent

Companies are headlong into the deep end with diving AWS. But as re: Invent 2015 approach, the lack of control of the cloud still some concerns

In preparation for re: Invent 2015 annual user conference Amazon Web Services in Las Vegas next month, I sat down with Kris Bliesner, CTO clock and co-founder of the second, I managed public cloud provider based in Seattle AWS partner and to get your perspective on how things have changed in the business of AWS since last year and what surprises he saw.

In the category decidedly "not surprising" Organizations are becoming more aggressive with AWS time. "Last year there were a lot of rumors, but this year, people move their plans forward a good bit - the execution of acceleration," said Bliesner.

But what is surprising is the degree to which some stores AWS. Some are even braving the wind and ERP (ERP) SAP migration as AWS, Bliesner said.

It is not enough that AWS provides a type large enough to accommodate the massive ERP instance, or cloud security does not meet the needs of all implementations. Is that "it mammoth systems, cobwebs everywhere," said Bliesner. But ERP implementations slightly smaller makes more sense.

"The footprint of these systems in the scene is really difficult to handle, but they are difficult to prove, are difficult to update and patch," he said. "There are real to what you can do in a complex environment physical limits."

So for ERP, in particular, the cloud offers the advantage of "the infinite infrastructure" or elasticity that enables administrators to simply replicate entire environments, for example, when you upgrade. They may change after this instance once completed, avoiding investment in infrastructure capacity or overfilling planned downtime.

"There is so much money, it's about time," said Bliesner.

All this sounds great, but in the rush of companies to move to AWS, "also gave us a few steps back in terms of IT best practices," said Bliesner.

"Years ago, the control equipment is regulated well enough," he added. "You had long delays, sure, but we had rules that were approved by a team of enterprise architecture" These days, there are no rules -. And the results of insecurity platforms wrong size.

Many things go wrong when you go all-in too quickly. The costs are unpredictable and safety are not fully thought out.

"Leaders command to go all-in with the cloud, but they do not do the preliminary work to determine the rules - public cloud to use for the workload," he lamented. In many ways, "it is almost similar to the [VM] had spread back in the day."

Do not expect to do much hand holding AWS, either.

"Amazon is not the average of the company's enterprise software business. They pushed the issue of do-it-yourself too hard. But one day, people wake up and say," AWS said it would be easy, but do not is. "

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 4

Question No 4:

How many Elastic IP by default in Amazon Account?

A. 1 Elastic IP
B. 3 Elastic IP
C. 5 Elastic IP
D. 0 Elastic IP

Answer: D

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Amazon’s AWS DynamoDB experiences outage,

Amazon’s AWS DynamoDB experiences outage, affecting Netflix, Reddit, Medium, and more:

Have you noticed the applications do not work on your phone? Perhaps no Netflix?

In fact, for a few hours, Amazon Web Services suffered a blackout.

This affected Netflix, due to hunting, Nido, Reddit, East, IMDB, social flows, and clean Alexa Amazon and instant video services to users throughout North America.

Venture Beat Social Flow program uses social media messages. You've probably noticed that the links of our social media flows will lead to an error page 503. We, uh, hoping that classes on Amazon.

It is likely to be a costly mistake for Amazon. Already in 2013, a similar failure has cost Amazon reported $ 1,100 per second.

At the same time go out. Place on the grass and examine the impact of our modern entire lives living in fallible systems.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question PDF

AWS Solution Architect Associate:

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 3

Question No 4:

What does Amazon ElastiCache provide?

A service by this name doesn't exist. Perhaps you mean Amazon Cloud Cache.
A virtual server with a huge amount of memory.
A managed In-memory cache service.
An Amazon EC2 instance with the Memcached software already pre-installed.

Answer: C

Sunday, September 13, 2015

New tool uses S3 to reap AWS cost savings

A new company has emerged from stealth an alternative to AWS Auto Scaling Groups for SMEs looking for tips to reduce costs EC2.

A new company of the flesh of nowhere in the vast ecosystem of Amazon Web Services, this week, with software that "parks" AWS EC2 cloud computing resources to reduce costs.

. ParkMyCloud Inc., based in Sterling, Virginia, meat With this software stealth REST API to record images using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) virtual machines in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) - in which there are at calculating hourly fees. He throws these cases from EC2 images when needed most. The company also claims performance overhead is negligible to turn the machine back, because the software works out of band and case are simply decree "not stored as snapshots. Upon restart, the cases are relit, assign an IP address and they are ready for operation.

The tool evaluates the cost savings users also get ahead of the monthly billing, with the price, rocking a beta client to invest in the tool instead of making your own script to get the same result.

"Month after month, was continued by the bill, and more customers will use [our services], also has accounts," said Michael Biddick, CEO of Fusion PPT, a business technology services Washington, DC that specializes in the creation of development and test environments in the cloud. "But honestly, I do not know if we were going to see the savings in it, or what would be the savings."

In retrospect, the fact that the company handles workloads test and development, which does not require machines running 24/7, which has been designed especially suitable for ParkMyCloud method to generate cost savings. ParkMyCloud Fusion PPT The software uses the first month, the AWS were 55% cost saving thousands of dollars in savings, BY Biddick.

"We have had a return on investment in the first two weeks of using the software," Biddick Said.

Scripts ParkMyCloud could do this, but for a small company, the developer would take time to write the scripts would be more expensive than the use of the software. ParkMyCloud starts at $ 29 per month for up to 29 cases, and the price levels to $ 99 for 29-99 EC2 instances, and reaches a maximum of $ 499 per month to 500 cases.

Hyphens also not provide cost savings. "Just be a surprise at the end of the month we have recovered," Biddick Said.

From the management perspective, the scripts do not necessarily visible from the point of view of the reporting and governance, and auto-discover new and additional resources in different regions, Biddick said.

The ParkMyCloud tool has limits; CEO Jay Chapelle said the focus of the company is starting and small and medium enterprises. You are asked to customers in more than 500 cases of ParkMyCloud call for price and service.

Also the company is very young, a spin-off of the Ostrato majority, making a platform for cloud management software. ITS has received initial funding ParkMyCloud July 1.

Young as the company it has more sweetener deal on the table. ParkMyCloud add role-based access, branding, naming conventions, a recommendation engine that shows the servers to park, and usage reports last connection control.

Also ParkMyCloud scale against specific groups Auto Amazon, which are free to all AWS users; users can set a minimum setting of "zero" in Auto Scaling Groups and achieve the same effect as ParkMyCloud offers.

Said ParkMyCloud chapel sees society as Auto Scaling groups mainly behind offering high availability load balancers and develop massively for retailers on vacation, instead of being a tool of simple cost reduction.

"The main goal of both is very different." Chapel said Auto Scaling Groups, said that "the goal is the performance for the cost."

Thursday, September 10, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 2

Question No 2:

What does Amazon Route53 provide?

A global Content Delivery Network.
None of these.
A scalable Domain Name System.
An SSH endpoint for Amazon EC2.

Answer: C

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bulletproof achieves AWS

Bulletproof achieves AWS Managed Service Partner status;


Service Provider listed on ASX cover, bulletproof, reached the state managed AWS 'Service Partner.

The program evaluates the ability of a supplier to develop, migrate and manage cloud infrastructure and applications.

For this type of rating, AWS conducted an audit by a third party cloud service capabilities bulletproof involving DevOps, security, boarding procedures, management services, support, legal information and incident management.

The program recognizes the bulletproof ability to help more than 600 customers, including Hyundai, Qantas, Amaysim and ministries to use the public cloud and hybrid architectures.

Bulletproof is an approved federal government and its staff have more than 70 certifications across a range of technologies cloud provider.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

OneCloud Lets VMware Sites Use AWS for Disaster Recovery

OneCloud Lets VMware Sites Use AWS for Disaster Recovery:

While VMware IT environments clearly dominates traditional businesses that deploy their own servers, the public cloud is dominated mainly by the instances of a custom Xen hypervisor. Clearly, IT organizations running VMware would like to be able to use inexpensive public cloud for disaster recovery, but it can be problematic, given the different hypervisors involved.

To answer this question OneCloud Software unveiled this week OneCloud recovery software that can be installed in 30 minutes enabling IT organizations to cases based on VMware virtual appliances available on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. In case of failure, the applications running on VMware can be redirected to the AWS cloud until the premise systems can be restored.

Based on an automated cloud engine (ACE), said CEO Marc Crespi OneCloud OneCloud Recovery Software installed within VMware vSphere. OneCloud recovery discovers that all local authorities and VMware administrators can invoke a policy engine to allocate recovery time objectives anywhere between one and 24 hours.

Before running VMware site recovery OneCloud must either invest in a second data center to create a disaster recovery site or make use of cloud services running VMware. In the latter case, said Crespi these services have not the same scale as AWS, which thus makes them more expensive to use for disaster recovery. Moreover, Crespi said OneCloud Software has optimized the application process reads and writes between VMware and AWS in a way that minimizes the bandwidth consumption of the network. Once installed, ACE takes a snapshot of the VMware environment every four hours; with only the deltas changes in the local environment is copied to VMware AWS.

Naturally, ACE could probably be applied to other platforms such as AWS cloud, but refused to other commitments Crespi public cloud. From a market share Crespi says AWS public cloud is clearly most IT organizations want to use. Moreover, Crespi said AWS has also been certified to perform some of the most sensitive government applications, giving organizations confidence in AWS as a platform for disaster recovery.

Typically, disaster recovery is clearly the first and most dominant form of hybrid cloud computing that most IT organizations embrace. Eliminating the need for investment in secondary data centers to ensure the availability of applications is an expensive proposition. Of course, many IT organizations have always depended on hosting providers to minimize these costs. But given the low cost of cloud storage AWS Crespi it said it is now difficult for hosting providers to compete with the prices of AWS.

For many solution providers and their customers of AWS has become the path of least resistance to the cloud, which often usually starts with some sort of disaster recovery software.

Friday, August 28, 2015

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Question No 1

Question No 1:

Select the correct set of options. These are the initial settings for the default security group:

Allow no inbound traffic, Allow all outbound traffic and Allow instances associated with this security group to talk to each other
Allow all inbound traffic, Allow no outbound traffic and Allow instances associated with this security group to talk to each other
Allow no inbound traffic, Allow all outbound traffic and Does NOT allow instances associated with this security group to talk to each other
Allow all inbound traffic, Allow all outbound traffic and Does NOT allow instances associated with this security group to talk to each other

Answer: A