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Sunday, December 20, 2015


IoT AWS announced as a beta service a few months ago, it is now generally available (GA).

AWS IoT is the focus of the company on growth Amazonian Internet of things, based on multiple AWS services to collect, store and analyze data from many devices, and control: Lambda AWS, API gateway, Kinesis, S3, Redshift, Machine Learning and DynamoDB. Amazon said they have learned by the IO through its "Amazon experience with robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles (Air quality Amazon) Amazon Eco, the Dash button, and several generations of Kindle." InfoQ covered AWS IoT great detail when it was released as a beta version, so let's add that is new.

Amazon offers a number of IoT Starter Kits including microcontroller development boards, sensors, actuators and the AWS SDK IO devices, the software is open source. The material is provided by Avnet, BEAGLEBONE, DragonBoard, Intel (Edison), Marvell, MediaTek, Microchip, Renesas, Seeeduino (Yun an Arduino board) and IT (Launchpad).

Amazon has improved the AWS SDK to create iOS applications IO, and are working to add support for Android apps. They also added support for IPv6 communication between devices and the IO Gateway device. To control devices, AWS uses HTTPS, while for collecting data from them and MQTT support X.509 authentication HTTPS.

As for prices, AWS offers a free level of 250K messages / month for the first 12 months. The subscription fee is $ 5 ($ 8 in the Asia-Pacific) for messages sent to the bridge or devices 1M. A message is a block of 512 bytes. The service is currently available in the US East, western United States, the European Union (Ireland) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and can be accessed from anywhere in the world until the customer has no legal restriction.

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