Amazon Web Services has been a great engine for the company. But the e-commerce giant is not the only one that has benefited from its leadership in the cloud. Similarly, IT professionals are specialized in AWS technology.
"The high adoption rate of AWS cloud services by organizations around the world has resulted in some of the best salaries for IT professionals who choose to follow these specific certifications," Global Knowledge said in a blog post at the beginning of this year.
What you pay
Global Knowledge interviewed information technology workers in North America and around the world last fall to find out their average salaries and their special skills specialization have affected their salary. The organization's report, released in April, gives the impression that premium employers are paying for AWS skills.
On average, among those responding to the survey, IT workers in non-administrative positions in the United States and Canada who have received certification somehow earned $ 79,796,000 per year. However, among respondents who have a certificate stating that they did not know how to work with AWS, the average annual salary was $ 101,755 a year, an increase of 27.5%.
Employers pay a similar but less dramatic premium for managers with AWS skills. On average, IT managers in the United States and Canada who responded to the survey who had a certificate of any kind earned $ 112,525 per year. But those with an AWS certificate earned $ 127,942 a year on average, according to the survey, an increase of 13.7%.
Overall, by combining the salaries of managers and non-managers who participated in the global knowledge survey, certified IT professionals earned an average of $ 90,512 per year. But among those with an AWS certification, the average salary was $ 113,932 per year, a premium of 25.9%.
Not all AWS certificates are so valuable. Wages paid by employers depend to a large extent on the particular certificate a computer agent has. Among the US and Canadian computer workers who participated in the survey - managers and non-managers - average wages are broken down by certificate:
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Partner: $ 119,233 thousand
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional: $ 116,838
- AWS Certified Developer - Associate: $ 116,456
- System Administrator AWS (SysOps) - Partner: $ 111,966
- Certified Engineer of Development of AWS (DevOps): $ 108,315
Interestingly, although professional certification is more advanced than the associated certification, the average salary was lower among certified solution architects who responded to the survey. However, Global Knowledge indicated that the difference was probably influenced by the size of the sample. Only 70 respondents to the survey said they had the AWS Certified Architect Professional certification, while 300 said they had the associated version.
However, the survey provides an overview of the value of AWS skills. And this is understandable given the popularity of the AWS. In the second quarter of this year, AWS accounted for 34% of the money spent on the growing and growing cloud services market.
Behind the data
Global Knowledge has sent more than half a million people to participate in its salary survey, distributed through its own channels, as well as technology vendors such as Cisco, AWS and Microsoft.
Approximately 14,300 people completed the survey, of which approximately 12,500 were computerized. And among the technicians, 625 had some kind of AWS certification.
Actual wages varied depending on the certification level and whether someone had multiple certificates. But in general, among those who participated in the survey, the certificates gave a big boost to wages. On average, among survey participants in the US. and Canada, the difference between IT salary people with any type of certification and non-certification was almost $ 8,400 11.7%. For managers, the difference was $ 9,201, or 8.9%.
Not surprisingly, 82% of computer workers in the United States and Canada who were interviewed had at least one certificate. And the average number of certifications among respondents was 2.9